
The Link Blog provides feeds that allow you to subscribe to new posts in whatever way you wish. You can subscribe using RSS or JSON feeds.

RSS: https://emit.nitinkhanna.com/feeds/feed.xml

JSON: https://emit.nitinkhanna.com/feeds/feed.json

There is also an iCalendar file that you can subscribe to using your calendar and see links on your calendar.

ICS: https://emit.nitinkhanna.com/feeds/feed.ics

Full Archive

The Link Blog is also a growing database of 100 links! If you are curious to play with this database and do some analysis you can easily download the entire dataset.

The CSV file is the easiest to put into any spreadsheet and do quick analysis.

CSV: https://emit.nitinkhanna.com/feeds/links.csv

If you would like to use standard RSS there is a full archive of all links in RSS format. This file is the only one that contains the body content for each link.

RSS: https://emit.nitinkhanna.com/feeds/links.xml

If you would rather work with JSON there are multiple options. There is a JSON file that is a straight list of all posts in a reduced JSON Feed structure as well as a JSON file that is divided by hosts.

JSON (array): https://emit.nitinkhanna.com/feeds/links.json

JSON (host): https://emit.nitinkhanna.com/feeds/links-by-host.json


Convenience links to validate the feeds.